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We are the online interior decorators who curate culturally unique designs to reflect your sensibilities and aesthetics. Our experienced interior design consultants work with you to design your own house online. The designing process right from home floor plan designing to 3D designs can be carried out from the comfort of your home.

Let's look at the room you wish to redesign- living room, master bedroom, kids bedroom, guestroom, kitchen and dining, the entertainment room, your home office or the bath.

With Rokoko, you get the full package - an online interior decorator, the best interior design consultants along with home floor plan designers- all at your fingertips. We value your ideas and use them as the starting point when creating redesign plans. Do you like a quirky touch of décor, or one section of wall with a bold dash of colour, or is the wind chime tinkling in the breeze your notion of soothing music? No problem at all! These will be thoughtfully incorporated into the designing process by your Online Interior Decorator at Rokoko. You say yours is a commercial space? We've got that covered too! The best office interior designers are on our team to help you with your office designing requirements. They will provide expert consultation on all aspects of office interior designing. This includes: the type of furniture in the pantry area, what kind of workstation unit, the conference room setup, reception area décor and any other tips that will help you steadily pace your way though the designing process.